We give players the opportunity to create their custom avatar utilizing EQUAL exclusive appeal and merch accessories
- Design Avatar
- Choose Game Titles
- Register for Team Draft
- Tech Education Programs
- Tech | Gaming Careers
- Membership Model
- Merchandise
Mission Statement: To support in the development of prospective professionals in the ESports and tech industry.
Here at EQUAL we look to provide access into the gaming world and profession through our global platform and revolutionary Esports Incubator.

We give players the opportunity to create their custom avatar utilizing EQUAL exclusive appeal and merch accessories
- Design Avatar
- Choose Game Titles
- Register for Team Draft
- Tech Education Programs
- Tech | Gaming Careers
- Membership Model
- Merchandise
EQUAL’S gaming league goes live top of the year, but registration starts NOW!. We will be available for 24 /7 individual match and teach competitions happening each quarter. Take part in a global gaming network that is aimed to be competitive for athletes while also being supported with access to educational programs, career opportunities and content creation.

1,920 Participants
64 Teams
4 Divisions
Providing education and support for clients and brands to capitalize the engagement and interest of the Esports industry. Assisting in the marketing and negotiating of the monetization of our student and gamer customer base.
Looking to provide career opportunities in the tech and gaming industry. EQUAL has teamed up with Chase Bank and Southwest Gas in a joint effort to support educational initiatives that possess a strong pipeline of participants and an active program.

In less than a year, students learn how to think like a software engineer and gain all of the relevant skills needed to enter into a career as a full-stack engineer.
Platform partners have eagerly shown their interest in groundbreaking ESports content. We have an established aggregator deal to platform hundreds of pieces of content to public platforms every year. All EQUAL athletes will have the opportunity to participate in the creation, production and marketing of content projects. This will serve as a monetization option for all affiliate partners.

Becoming an EQUAL Member streamlines your access to all or parts of the EQUAL ecosystem.
Members will get discounts and exclusives entry into EQUAL events and competitions.